Cat Constipation Cure
"Cat constipation cure offers several options. The first step is to make sure that there isn't something blocking the feces such as a foreign object. If this is not the case then natural approaches such as a high fiber diet can be tried. Other options include laxatives and for severe cases an enema."
There are many possible causes of constipation in cats. Some of those include dehydration (not drinking enough), poor diet, hair balls, and tumors or other growths in the intestines. Stress can also lead to constipation. Understanding the cause of constipation in your cat can be important when your veterinarian is making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment. Therefore you should pay attention to any behavior symptoms in your cat if you believe she may be constipated.
Symptoms that Require a Cat Constipaption Cure
There are a number of symptoms of constipation in your cat. You should know that constipation can be very painful for your cat and your cat may show signs of being in pain. Some signs of pain in your include not using the litter box because she begins to associate the litter with pain, crying out when defecating, and withdrawing or hissing when you touch her abdomen.
Pain is not the only sign of constipation, however. You may notice your cat straining to defecate. Her stools may be hard and dry, and there may be some blood on them. Your cat may lose her appetite. She may appear lethargic. Your cat does not have to have all of these symptoms to indicate constipation; you may only notice a few of them.
A number of diagnostic tests may be performed in order to make an accurate diagnosis before a cat constipation cure is recommended. Tests in blood test, a urinalysis, and an x-ray to check for blockages in the intestines.
Cat Constipation Cure
There are several options when identifying a cat constipation cure:
Conventional Medications
Your veterinarian may prescribe a laxative like lactulose or a motility modifier like propulsid, which will help stool move through the intestines more quickly. One treatment may be all it takes, or your cat may need several doses to relieve the constipation.
In more severe cases of constipation or if constipation does not respond to medication, your vet may prescribe suppositories. This is a medication that is inserted in your cat’s rectum. They are easy to administer and you can do it at home when needed.
Also in severe cases, your vet may prescribe an enema. The vet can do it at his or her office and also show you how to do it at home when necessary.
Removing a Stool Manually
If the stool is very hard and your cat cannot pass it, it may need to be removed manually. She will be put under anesthesia for this procedure. This procedure is only done in very severe cases of constipation. Usually, the other treatments above will be sufficient as a cat constipation cure. This would only happen after trying laxatives and an enema first.
If the x-ray shows a foreign object, such as a bone, blocking the intestine, surgery may be necessary. You should not give your cat bones, for this and other reasons. This kind of blockage is uncommon, though, and surgery is rarely necessary.
Exercise itself can work as a cat constipation cure. Stimulating activity a few times during the day can help.
Diet as a Home Treatment Cat Constipation Cure
Like in humans, a high fiber diet can help with constipation. Look for a commercial cat food that has a fiber content on the label between 7 to 13 percent. Brands to consider include Science Diet w/d, Royal Canin HiFactor Formula and Purina OM Feline Formula.
You could also buy the human fiber supplement Metamucil and mix a very small amount into canned cat food (1 teaspoon mixed in, 1x per day). You could also try a small amount of wheat bran on her food )1 tablespoon per day).
Other foods that could help with constipation are small amounts of milk (1/2 cup, only when your cat is constipated) or plain canned pumpkin (1 teaspoon, 2x per day).
Your veterinarian may also recommend a supplement called Lactulose, it is a sugar that pulls water into your cat's bowel.
There is a natural product that works as a high fiber dietary supplement that is made specifically for cats. It is called Natural Moves and it has a track record of helping with constipation. The product can work as an effective home treatment cat constipation cure.
It's always a good idea to check with your veterinarian who can track the progress of any changes that you make.
From Cat Constipation Cure to More Information on Feline Constipation