Cat Feces on the Floor

by Nancy

My male cat is 12 years old. About 1x a week my cat will leave feces somewhere in the house. It used to be only in the basement about 1x every 2 months. But last week he went in the basement and tonight in my bedroom!!!

I have 2 cats. Both 12, 1 male,1 female. I have 2 litter boxes. One in the basement and one in my bedroom walk-in closet. I always clean them.

The feces look normal. Not runny. There are many pieces in one area. I have a gut feeling it's the male. They both stay inside.I have no clue what to do.

Do I take him to the vet to get him tested???....

I love them both but don't like the presents.

Please help.

Thank you....

Vet Suggestion Cat Feces on the Floor

Hi Nancy,

Behavioral changes are sometimes the first way that cats let their owners know that something is not quite right. The safest thing to do is to take him in to your veterinarian’s office for a physical exam.

Two outcomes are possible. He’ll either get a clean bill of health, which is worth the peace of mind and then you can deal with his inappropriate defecation as a behavioral issue, or your vet will find something that needs to be addressed directly and the sooner that happens the better.

One common health problem that causes cats to avoid the litter box is arthritis, often times affecting the spine. Stepping in and out of the box or posturing/straining to defecate may hurt enough to make an affected cat begin to associate the box with pain and start to avoid it.

Good luck with your kitties.

Jennifer Coates, DVM

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Feb 15, 2012
Cat Feces on the Floor
by: Nancy

Thanks for the answer. I did take him to the vet and he did get a clean bill of health. He still uses the liter box to urinate but about 1x a week he leaves his feces on the floor. I bought him a new liter box and will put it in the living room to see if that helps. He loves his Cat Dancer cat toy.

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