Cat Tapeworm Symptoms

by Anonymous

I have a cat weighing 12 pounds that has something that looks like sesame seeds by his anus.

What is it? They are light brown.

Editor Suggestion: Cat Tapeworm Symptoms

The first thing, which comes to mind related to something which looks like sesame seeds on the anal region, is a cat tapeworm infestation. But, any health problem cannot be confirmed without a veterinary visit, a detailed diagnosis, and a clinical examination and microscopic examination of these objects.

You should closely watch out for cat tapeworm symptoms such as shaggy coat, mild colic, diarrhea, discomfort and itching around the anus.

Also, note your cat's habits. For example, does your cat roam too much, even if it remains indoors, or if it likes to prey. If you have been feeding it raw meat in the past, this can be another confirmatory point for tapeworm or cestode infestation.

It is always recommended that you confirm the condition with a veterinarian through clinical examination and laboratory procedures. Though cat tapeworms do not cause much of a problem for cats, it should be treated properly, otherwise secondary problems like other parasitic infestations and bacterial infections in the gastrointestinal tract may emerge. These are more complicated problems.

You can try natural remedies made to help cats with mild worm infestations in the gastrointestinal tract such as Parasite Dr. However, these types of products can only treat mild conditions and should not be considered as an alternative to specific therapy with anti parasitic drugs such as Praziquantel, which can only be administered with a prescription.

Furthermore, to enhance digestive health, you can try other natural remedies such as Digestive Support, which can help to keep the gastrointestinal mucous soothed and in a healthy status. You can use these remedies along with specific drugs as well, to enhance recovery and support.

Please keep us up to date on your cat's condition and if in fact cat tapeworms were the problem.

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Dec 28, 2013
sesame seed looking
by: sean

My four cats had fleas before these sesame seeds started ocurring. I read that the tape worms developed as a result of flea bites. Is this true?

Editor Response: This is true. One type of tapeworm is spread by fleas.

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