
Feline Lymphosarcoma

"Feline lymphosarcoma (LSA) is a common type of tumor found in cats. It is a general term that refers to a type of tumor that is made up of lymph tissue, a certain type of cell. Treatment options include surgical removal of the tumor and/or chemotherapy."

Feline lymphosarcoma are the most common type of tumor (neoplasm, which means abnormal cell growth) found in cats. The disease is also referred to as lymphoma and malignant lymphoma.

The cause of this problem is not understood by scientists, although it is suspected that genetics (family history), exposure to things that can damage cells such as radiation and chemicals might play a role. Viruses may also play a role, since they weaken the immune system and possibly interact with the body in other ways. Viruses under investigation include Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.

Diagnosis of Lymphosarcoma in Cats

It is difficult to diagnose lymphoarcoma since your veterinarian will have to determine where in the body the disease is located and then test the affected tissue to make a definitive diagnosis.

Treatment of Feline Lymphosarcoma

Cats who are treated can live a good quality of life. While few are cured, treatment can help. How far the disease has progressed will impact your veterinarian's choice of treatment. Stage I lymphosarcoma (where the disease is located in one area or site) is treated with a combination of radiation and possibly surgery.

For advanced cases chemotherapy is used according to what is known as the Wisconsin-Madison protocol. With this approach it is reported that 60% -80% of cats will go into remission for 7 to 10 months. 60% of cats live more than a year.

If your cat's lymphosarcoma in the gatrointentinal system (digestive system - called Alimentary GI lymphoma is treated with a combination of
prednisolone and l-asparaginase. Since this is a digestive system issue, your cat will need help with nutrition such as vitamin B.


Lymphosarcoma (Malignant Lymphoma) - From Cats to Koala
Paul John Canfield DVSc PhD Grad Cert Ed Stud, FRCPath FACVSc MRCVS
Faculty of Veterinary Science B14, University of Sydney, New South Wales
2006, Australia

Advances in feline oncology
Barbara E. Kitchell DVM, PhD, DACVIM
Center for Comparative Oncology, D208 Veterinary Medicine Center, Michigan State University,
East Lansing, MI, USA


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