Growing Mole Below Cat Eye Duct
by Ann
(Tracy, CA)
My old persian has a black mole that has been slowly growing larger, below her inner eye duct, slowly in the past 5-6 years.
She has had an infection behind her other eye last year, which we were told she was too old to have an operation. LUCKILY with medication, her infection cleared up and she has been doing great.
Her mole looks like a perfectly round black bubble... which has just recently grown a little more.
What can this be... and is there anything we can do to alleviate what inside?
The vet hasn't mentioned any concerns, but I don't trust our small town vet.
Editor Suggestion Cat Mole below feline eye ductDear Ann,
If the cat eye mass has been in place for five to six years and is growing slowly and doesn’t seem to bothering her, it is probably nothing to worry about. An aggressive type of cancer should have caused big problems by this point, so that is not very likely.
Finding out what the mass is would take a biopsy of some sort, and because of its location near the eye, sedation or anesthesia would be necessary. Old-age alone isn’t enough to make me say that surgery and anesthesia with appropriate support and monitoring is off the table, but if your cat does have health problems, it could certainly be risky.
Jennifer Coates, DVM