I need help - cat urine burn?????

by Judy

My cat has no hair on one of her hind legs on the inside. The skin is red and raised like hives in the pattern of a dried river bed. It has been described to me as urine burn, or possibly an alergy to the litter in the litter box. Litter type has not been changed. What would cause a urine burn? Can you give me any answers? Please

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Jun 08, 2013
Cat Skin Abscess?
by: Anonymous

Each of my two cats had something that sounded similar but with different causes for each. The first time, Zoe, had a blocked anal gland.

What you are describing sounds a bit more like the second incident I went through when it was Bailey. She had an abscess located on the back of her leg. The growth itself was more internal which is why I didn't know what was going on.

Hope you have been able to get your kitty to the vet and the problem has been successfully resolved. <3

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