Thin Black Worms from Cat

by Cathy

Just a little while ago, I saw something have never seen before in all the 40 years I have had cats in my life, a skinny, small black worm! My cat was sitting down, waiting for her food. When she got up to go to her bowl, it was there! OMG!

Online, everyone is guessing or no one knows what it is - other people are saying that are in their bed where there cat sleeps. I have a 2nd cat- no sign yet in her and I checked the 1st cat's litter often - her eating habit has changed a bit - a month ago, I noticed she was having very soft, smaller stools. Now her stools are getting stronger and darker and bigger, more normal.

I checked her sleeping areas and no worms..

What are they? I will make an appointment for her vet!

Suggestion from our vet regarding cat black worms

Hi Cathy,

My best guess (and it is only a guess since I can’t examine your cat or the worm) is that what you saw came from your cat’s anal glands. Anal gland secretions can congeal and come out in the form of a thin tube that would look like a small, black worm.

A clue is that your cat had been having small, soft stools in the past. This could mean that her anal glands were not emptying normally for a period of time. Firm feces essentially push the material out of the glands, and I think this is what happened when her stools returned to normal.

Your veterinarian can examine your cat’s anal glands and run a fecal examination to give you a definitive diagnosis if you are concerned.


Jennifer Coates, DVM

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Sep 26, 2011
tiny black worms
by: Anonymous

I have been noticing for the past few weeks loss of fur and little black specks,then a few days ago I noticed my second cat had the same problem. I put bedding on the porch to shake and noticed the little black wire shape tiny in size worm was wiggling around. I went to the vet to get some worm medicine. One cat took the pill the other foamed at the mouth ,and went crazy no results.



Vet Suggestion on Cat Black Worms

Hi Judy,

I can’t say for sure what you saw, but perhaps it was the larva of a flea. The black specks you describe could be flea dirt (flea poop, in other words) and fleas would certainly explain your cats’ hair loss as well.

A deworming pill wouldn’t help with fleas, if this is what is going on. Instead use an effective flea control medication like Frontline or its generic equivalent or Revolution every month all year round.

Your veterinarian could confirm a diagnosis of fleas with a simple physical exam.


Jennifer Coates, DVM

Sep 26, 2011
Black worms response
by: Cathy

Thank you Dr. Jennifer - I appreciate this - better than hearing it could be an actual worm - especially since I have yet to see anything since that afternoon. But she will go to the vet soon to get her intestines and fecal matter examined.

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